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Looking at pure GPR detection capabilities, GS8000 has the unique ability to provide the high resolution of a handheld GPR in the shallow space,...
Looking at pure GPR detection capabilities, GS8000 has the unique ability to provide the high resolution of a handheld GPR in the shallow space, where most small and closely spaced utilities, such as PVC cables, can be found and therefore, located and even counted.
Moreover, since the GS8000 can display a heatmap of the scanned freeform area as seen from above in real time, it allows to get a quick overview of the area to be explored, compared to the traditional iterative process of marking with spray on the ground and figuring out service lines, or having to wait for data processing to see any results.
Proceq is now part of Screening Eagle Technologies. Screening Eagle is a merger of Dreamlab, a Singapore-based software and robotics company and Proceq, a Swiss-based NDT company with a 65+ year heritage as a market leader in portable sensors. Together, we protect the built world with software, sensors and data.
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