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Live streaming September 26
In the meantime, take a look at our upcoming Roadshow locations. You won't want to miss out on our exclusive product launch or our LIVE trainings and demos...
Right after the keynote, the Screening Eagle team will hit the road. Don't miss out on our exclusive product launch & LIVE trainings and demos... We’re coming to a city near you!
Click on the locations to learn more
Roadshow & trainings
Free training with our software and sensor solutions to assess concrete structures. Check the dates:
Free training with the latest software and sensors for subsurface mapping and utility location. Check the dates:
Together, we protect
the built world.
Screening Eagle Digital Keynote. Securing the quality, safety and longevity of structures.
Watch now
Screening Eagle Special Event dedicated to subsurface detection and mapping solutions.
Screening Eagle Digital Keynote. Data-driven solutions to solve the built environment crisis.
Screening Eagle Digital Keynote. Increasing quality and productivity in structural inspection.
Proceq is now part of Screening Eagle Technologies. Screening Eagle is a merger of Dreamlab, a Singapore-based software and robotics company and Proceq, a Swiss-based NDT company with a 65+ year heritage as a market leader in portable sensors. Together, we protect the built world with software, sensors and data.
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