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Zehntner are globally-renowned for Swiss-made quality Retroreflectometers that ensure optimal road driving conditions, by enabling visibility measurement of road markings, studs and signs. Zehntner also offer advanced glossmeters for use in the paint, plastics, paper, foil and metal industries.
ZRS 6060
ZRM 6014 RL-Qd
Zehntner ZMM 5000
ZDR 6020 RL
ZRM 6013+ RL-Qd
ZRM 6010 RL
ZRM 6006 RL-Qd
ZOL 1150
ZGM 1130
ZGM 1120
Proceq Glossmeter App
Zehntner Road Coverage App
Proceq is now part of Screening Eagle Technologies. Screening Eagle is a merger of Dreamlab, a Singapore-based software and robotics company and Proceq, a Swiss-based NDT company with a 65+ year heritage as a market leader in portable sensors. Together, we protect the built world with software, sensors and data.
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