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More states in America have made changes to their construction codes to allow third party inspection agencies to conduct the necessary inspections in lieu of traditional municipal inspectors. We look at how third-party construction inspections impact the built environment in several...
Meet Marton Marosszeky, Director at BCRC Australia and one of Screening Eagle's valued customers who shared their story with us at #KEY22SET. See how Marton uses intelligent softare to help him develop the most reliable strategies for longevity of concrete...
Moving from analogue to digital ways of working may seem daunting to those who have spent decades with a trusty ´pad and pencil´, yet the benefits make so much sense - eliminating data loss and increasing productivity to name a few. See how intelligent software platforms are paving the way for...
With the desire of many countries to move away from Russia-supplied energy in the wake of its invasion of Ukraine, there is talk of reactivating some dormant oil rigs and gas plants. See how inspection software and ultrasound technologies can help ensure these facilities are restored...
Floods, faulty elevators, and electrical explosions – these are just some of the complications that have arisen from construction and design defects reported at 432 Park luxury condominium in New York. Here are 10 ways inspection technology and preventive maintenance can stop this domino...
Following the devastating effects of the Surfside condo collapse in Miami, we look what we have learned, the situation and current challenges, efficient solutions, and the next steps for preventative inspections to ensure catastrophes like this never happen...
Tech in Asia, an online digital publication that serves a highly engaged tech and business community of over 3.5 million monthly users, asked our Chief Technology Officer to answers questions from the internet about InspectionTech and...