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(26) Results
Application Note

Understanding the Importance of Young's Modulus of non-standard materials in Ultrasonic Contact Impedance (UCI) Hardness Testing

Enhance your material analysis with the Ultrasonic Contact Impedance (UCI) method. Learn how this innovative technique provides precise hardness measurements, even for materials with varying Young's modulus.

Application Note

Ultrasonic Welding Inspection of a Wind Tower

This application note describes the process of an ultrasonic inspection of the welding on a wind tower. See how the inspection can be completed efficiently, with full traceability at every step and real-time data...


The 3 Most Reliable Portable Hardness Testing Methods

When it comes to portable hardness testing, one thing is for sure - there is no silver bullet to fit all applications. See which are the top three portable hardness testing methods and how to find the right solution for each...

Application Note

Accurate Inspection of High-alloy Steels in the Power Industry

Measurement and correct evaluation of non-standard materials has always been a challenge for material inspectors around the globe, particularly with conversion to other units. To improve this, the Equotip 550 platform now supports the new conversion standard for high-alloy steel in the power...

Application Note

Bolt inspection: Internal Defect Assessment & Data Management

Detecting early failure of bolts along linear assets such as railway tracks is a crucial process. This note looks at the capabilities of ultrasonic testing to verify metal condition and detect defects without causing any damage or disturbance to the...

Application Note

Assessing the Hardness of Thin Medical Wires

Accurately assessing the hardness of small components such as very thin medical wires can be a challenging task. See how to achieve quick and reliable hardness measurements for thin wires using the direct-indentation...

Application Note

Effortless hardness testing of heavy and bulky forging dies

Testing and verifying the hardness of forging dies weighing 400lbs or more is a heavy task! With traditional methods, each die requires lifting, transportation and extensive manual labor. See how to achieve accurate hardness testing with portable methods, saving time and costs in the process.