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The control of roll hardness enables the users to early spot the defects that appear during the roll winding process. The winding is also one of...
The control of roll hardness enables the users to early spot the defects that appear during the roll winding process. The winding is also one of the last processes during the paper and roll making. Hence the highest cost of the broke papermaking process is at the end. All faults should be corrected where they first appear (in the process phase and position). It is never possible to totally compensate earlier fault with later correction.
Important take-home message:
Winding cannot make paper better, but in many cases product quality can be much lower after winding, hence control of the optimal hardness that match specific material and machine are of great importance for high quality and minimalization of material wastes.
Proceq is now part of Screening Eagle Technologies. Screening Eagle is a merger of Dreamlab, a Singapore-based software and robotics company and Proceq, a Swiss-based NDT company with a 65+ year heritage as a market leader in portable sensors. Together, we protect the built world with software, sensors and data.
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