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Traditional workflows tend to observe detection (using either GPR, EML, or both) and mapping (using surveying equipment) as two separate...
Traditional workflows tend to observe detection (using either GPR, EML, or both) and mapping (using surveying equipment) as two separate processes, carried out by different technicians at different moments. This is mainly a consequence of technological limitations of field equipment.
GS8000, designed as an all-in-one detection and mapping system, allows to streamline this workflow, by digitizing all findings – including those from other sources, such as an EM locator – with homogeneous high accuracy, in one same step, on the same map, in the same coordinate system, saving big amounts of time and money on every survey.
Proceq is now part of Screening Eagle Technologies. Screening Eagle is a merger of Dreamlab, a Singapore-based software and robotics company and Proceq, a Swiss-based NDT company with a 65+ year heritage as a market leader in portable sensors. Together, we protect the built world with software, sensors and data.
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